We ARE a Welcoming Congregation

by hanje53

Way back at the beginning of the summer, I attended General Assembly of the Unitarian Universalist Association in Minneapolis. I may or may not have promised to come back to that later, but I know in my mind I had every intention of returning to that subject.

So now, almost three months later, I want to start by telling a short but meaningful (to me) story about my General Assembly experience.

When you check in, you are given a name badge, some ribbons and some cards that send you to various booths in the vendor area to pick up additional ribbons and pins.  (For example I went to one booth that was representing the host city for the next General Assembly and picked up a pin celebrating the 50 years since the merger of Unitarianism and Universalism.  (see picture) (There will be some information about the merger in the sermon Whose Are We? that Rod is preparing for October 3, 2010)

I was disappointed but not surprised that I did not get a ticket for my Welcoming Congregation ribbon.  We had sent in our application for approval during the spring, and as I recall we received our letter of approval days if not hours before we left for General Assembly.  I was wandering around the vendor hall (and there will be a blog post about that as well) and noticed the booth that had the ribbons for Welcoming Congregation.  I talked to the woman at the booth, and explained my situation.  Our congregation had received approval for Welcoming Congregation, but probably not in time to get a ribbon in the registration materials.  She looked at my badge, which in addition to my name says “UU Church of Southeastern Arizona, Sierra Vista, AZ.” 

There was instant recognition in her eyes and she said, “Oh yes, I processed your application, of course you can have a ribbon.”  So, for the first time in my General Assembly experience I proudly wore my Welcoming Congregation ribbon.  I was very proud to be a member of this congregation who worked so hard to becoming a Welcoming Congregation and I hope this is a ministry that we will continue to proclaim and support from this point forward. (Be sure to stay tuned for more information about our Coming Out Sunday which is planned for October 17, 2010)